Insurance leads that match your appetite

Advantage Producer

Referrals on-demand for producers

Receive high-intent, appetite-matching prospects in real-time, on your own schedule. Our exclusive Claim-it® Referrals program is now available as a standalone subscription.

Are the referrals that good?

Insurance referral live feed

Watch the real-time view of opportunities being delivered to independent agents right now!

We are so confident in the quality of our referrals that we’ve created a live feed so you can see the types of referrals you can expect to receive. 

map of available Claim-it Referrals

Proven platform, overflowing with referrals

The Advantage Producer subscription gives you access to Claim-it®, our referral platform with reported closing ratios of 40% and higher. Plus, the number of available referrals has grown over 500% in the last 12 months so there’s a wide variety of referrals ready for you to claim.

Instant access to active insurance prospects in your area

Claim-it® is unlike traditional lead programs. Our referrals are uniquely sourced to ensure they are organic, inbound, and high intent. Prospects are matched with your appetite and delivered to you in real-time to consider. If you claim the referral, it is exclusively yours – no other agent is given the prospect’s contact information.

a business owner contacts an independent agent for insurance

Revolutionary technology puts you in charge

Claim-it is transforming the insurance lead space the same way Uber transformed the transportation industry. Advantage Producer lets you call the shots, receiving referral notifications on your own schedule, accepting only the referrals you want, and maximizing your business growth at your own pace.

Seamless connections with warm transfer referrals

Experience the convenience of instantly connecting with motivated consumers, eliminating the need to attempt to contact them on your own. Access to Claim-it Warm Transfer Referrals is included with Advantage Producer, providing a better experience for both you and the prospect.

an insurance prospect being transferred to an independent agent
a purchased insurance lead

Pay only for the leads you want, at an affordable price

The quality of our referrals is unmatched and extremely affordable. And while traditional leads require you to pay for them all up-front, whether you work them or not, with Advantage Producer you only pay for the referrals you want.

Discover your Advantage

Let's us give you a demo to find which Advantage profile is right for you.